Easy import & export


Standards such as GAEB in Germany and ÖNORM in Austria play a central role. These standards ensure that all players in the construction industry speak a common language, which leads to fewer misunderstandings and more efficient processes.

GAEB standard

The GAEB standard (Gemeinsamer Ausschuss Elektronik im Bauwesen) enables the exchange of tender, award and invoicing data in a structured format. This simplifies communication between clients and contractors by allowing standardised specifications and other documents to be exchanged electronically.

ÖNORM standard

The ÖNORM, on the other hand, defines the standards used in construction projects in Austria and covers similar needs to the GAEB standard.

E·R·PLUS Import/Export

In practice, this means that a metal construction company must respond to quotations quickly and accurately.

With E·R·PLUS, importing GAEB and ÖNORM files is straightforward. The items and specific data of the tender are fed in at the touch of a button and can be further processed there.

The finished tender can be exported as a GAEB or ÖNORM-compliant file with a single click and sent directly by e-mail or other digital means.

By integrating these standards into E·R·Plus, metal construction companies can increase their efficiency by saving time and avoiding errors. As a result, projects are completed faster, communication with business partners is improved and customer satisfaction increases. The ability to communicate quickly and accurately is essential in the dynamic construction industry. Standards such as GAEB and ÖNORM as well as an industry-specific ERP system such as E-R-Plus are crucial elements for this.

Do you want more information? Contact us!