
The E·R·Plus.Cloud is the solution for mobile access to your familiar E·R·Plus. It supplements the desktop application with important mobile applications such as the retrieval of preliminary costing data, the debtor items (debtor open items), the creditor items (creditor open items), task and project management and the document explorer.

The mobile project centre is designed as a personal dashboard and provides access to all project information.
Task management makes it possible to stay in contact with all employees at all times, assign tasks and always keep track of the current status of a project. All documents available in E-R-Plus can be called up online using the full-text and document search function.

The contact centre offers CRM-like functions. New contacts can be created there or existing contacts can be called up with all available information.
In addition, the annual personnel planner and staff absences can be viewed at any time and used from anywhere.

In addition to the usual modules, we are offering you a new documentation option in the form of journals, which will initially only be available in the E·R·Plus.Cloud.
The journals can be used to create notes on meetings, project or contract discussions and link participants, tasks or documents. This ensures a complete record of your meetings and all business transactions.

Location-independent data availability, the option to store data in the cloud, GDPR-compliant processing of your data – these are just some of the advantages for more flexible and effective working. The target group for the beta version are construction managers who increasingly want to access information while travelling. For this reason, the E·R·Plus.Cloud initially offers a read-only view for some functions, the functionalities of which will be successively developed further.